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MPNP Skilled Worker Overseas Trend Graph.

Skilled Worker Overseas Trend in Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

Manitoba, one of Canada’s most immigrant-friendly provinces, has long been an attractive destination for skilled workers worldwide. The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), particularly its Skilled Worker Overseas category, has played a major role in meeting the province’s labor market needs.

The data illustrates the number of candidates accepted under the Skilled Worker Overseas category between 2020 and 2024. This fluctuation highlights the changing priorities and challenges within Manitoba’s immigration framework:

In 2020, 588 candidates were admitted through the Skilled Worker Overseas category. The relatively low numbers can largely be attributed to the global pandemic, which disrupted international travel and immigration processes worldwide.

The program saw a remarkable jump to 3,296 candidates in 2021, representing a five-fold increase from the previous year. This surge was likely due to Manitoba’s recovery from the pandemic, coupled with a growing demand for skilled workers.

In 2022, the number of candidates dipped to 2,091. While was still significantly higher than 2020.

The program reached its peak in 2023, admitting an impressive 4,268 candidates—the highest in five years. The most recent data shows a sharp decline to 1,367 candidates in 2024—a significant drop from the previous year.

Manitoba’s Skilled Worker Overseas category remains a cornerstone of its immigration strategy. While the numbers for 2024 indicate a slowdown, it’s likely a temporary adjustment. With a strong track record of integrating immigrants into its economy and community, Manitoba will continue to rely on skilled workers to address labor shortages and drive growth.

Prospective applicants should remain informed about the latest program requirements and prepare their applications accordingly. Consulting with immigration professionals and staying updated on Manitoba’s strategic labor market needs will be essential for success in this competitive program.

In summary, the SWO category has been a vital component of Manitoba’s strategy to attract skilled immigrants. The fluctuations in nomination numbers and EOI draw outcomes between 2020 and 2024 highlight the program’s responsiveness to changing immigration patterns. Candidates interested in the SWO category should focus on strengthening their connections to Manitoba and enhancing their profiles to meet the evolving selection criteria.


This trend is based on the last few years’ data we collected analyzed. We apologize if there is any mistake. Please feel free to contact us to explore future opportunities based on this statistical analysis. 

Contact our office for details. Our immigration legal service in Winnipeg will assess your eligibility per CIC criteria and submit your application.