Canadian Citizen
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.
Non Canadian
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

PR Card & Citizenship

A&M Canadian Immigration Law Corporation

Canadian Permanent Residence Card & Citizenship

Canadian Citizen

Canadian Citizen as compared to Permanent Residence Card Holder:

You should apply your citizenship as soon as your time period is matured. There are some very important differences between Permanent Residence Card holders and Citizens. Right to vote

  1. Mobility Right (Right to live outside Canada with no time limit, whenever you want you can enter).
  2. Preference for jobs in the federal government which requires high-level security.
  3. Right to be a candidate in federal, provincial and territorial elections.
  4. Right to pass Canadian citizenship on to your children born outside Canada (to the first generation only).
    All requirement and detail guideline are available online at CIC website for PR Card Renewal and submitting Citizenship application.

Permanent Residence Card:

No one can enter Canada by plane, train, bus, or boat without a valid Permanent Residence Card. If your card is lost or misplaced within Canada, you can have it renewed. However, if you’re outside Canada, you’ll require temporary travel documents. There are specific conditions to apply for a Permanent Residence Card or Travel Document. For more information, consult a Winnipeg immigration lawyer to assist you with your Permanent Residence Card and citizenship applications. All requirements and detailed guidelines are available online at the CIC website for PR Card Renewal and submitting Citizenship applications.

Contact our office for details. Our immigration legal service in Winnipeg will assess your eligibility per CIC criteria and submit your application.